Avoid These Mistakes When Buying A Tire Pyrolysis Machine

It can also be used for the processing of biomass and any other product that contains carbon. While pyrolysis technology has been in use for several decades, this business has really come into its own over the past decade due to the availability of affordable machines.

Cities across the globe are now encouraging entrepreneurs to invest in this business as it allows them to get rid of waste tires filling the landfills and do that in a profitable manner. While pyrolysis businesses(beston pyrolysis) are usually profitable, but it is important to understand that it depends on your choice of the machine and business processes you follow after setting up the business.

Planta de pirólisis BLL-30 precio
Planta de Pirólisis BLL-30

Here’s a list of some of the most common mistakes you should avoid when buying and operating a pyrolysis machine(planta de pirolisis en mexico):

Buying without research

One of the most common mistakes made by beginners in this industry is that they choose a machine without doing proper research. They often rely on recommendations from the vendors. If you want to get the best value for your money, you need to pay special attention to its technical specifications as well as manufacturer’s proficiency in making these machines.

Choosing the wrong type of machine

These machines are available in a wide range of configurations including different processing type, stationary or portable and other such types. You obviously need to choose the right type of machine based on your location and your goals.


Choosing the wrong size

You obviously need to choose the right size. What many beginners don’t understand is that buying the maximum possible capacity isn’t the way to go about setting up a profitable business. Every machine has a fixed operational cost, which is usually proportional to the size of the processing chamber.

Make sure you choose a machine that is appropriate for the kind of demand you need to meet. Never choose a machine(https://www.bestoneco.com/planta-de-reciclaje-de-neumaticos/) only because you can afford to buy that much capacity.

Failing to properly maintain the machine

While a new machine is obviously not going to give you any problems, it does require servicing and maintenance to keep it running at optimum efficiency. If you do not clean and maintain it regularly, you are obviously not going to get the desired efficiency and yield.

In fact, you will be forced to replace some crucial components much earlier than expected. This is why you should carefully go through the manual provided with the machine and carefully follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer when it comes to maintenance.

Venta de Planta de Pirólisis BLJ-16
Venta de Planta de Pirólisis BLJ-16

Failing to learn how to properly operate the machine

You either need to learn how to properly operate the machine or use the services of an experienced operator who knows how to get the maximum yield with minimum fuel consumption. For instance, temperature settings have a huge effect on the yield you can obtain from the pyrolysis reaction.

Without proper temperature settings, you will be spending a lot more fuel to obtain the same amount of final product as compared to a machine which is operated on optimum temperature settings.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the pyrolysis business(planta de pirolisis de lodo aceitoso) is popular across the globe and it can be used for converting waste tires as well as other waste products into useful products. However, not all pyrolysis businesses are successful. You need to avoid making the same mistakes made by others if you want to ensure the long-term profitability of your pyrolysis business.